wassaf akhtar
4 min readOct 22, 2020

The Utopian reality of Advanced Air Mobility (AAM):

Picture courtesy: Kerbal Space Program (Not promo)

Dream of Advanced Air Mobility (AAM):
Imagine having a city and inside that city there is a camp that portrays an image of technological utopia where humans administer and operate futuristic flying programs, species who have constructed a fully furnished and functional Advanced air mobility Center of excellence called the McFly Skystop Research Center (MSRC) on their home city, called Zion. Despite being shown as Futuristic city, the people of Zion have shown themselves capable of constructing complex advanced air mobility systems and parts and performing experiments to realize their scientific goals.

The people of Zion comprise of scientists, engineers, managers and entrepreneurs devoted to AAM who can create electric or hybrid classes of Rotorcraft, Tilt wing, Tilt duct vertical flight technologies and other Vertical lift crafts from a provided set of components. Once built, their craft can be launched by pilots from the MSRC launch pad or runway, or to other launch pads and runways around city of Zion, in an attempt to complete directed missions while avoiding partial or catastrophic failure (such as lack of energy or structural failure). The people of Zion control their crafts in 3 dimensions with little assistance other than a stability system called "GPS" and through magnificent communication systems to keep their crafts oriented, Provided it maintains sufficient thrust and fuel, Their crafts can cover large distances in short amount of time.

Missions involve goals such as taking off from almost anywhere, reaching a certain altitude, escaping the sub 400 feet city altitude, reaching a stable sky corridor, bypassing abnormal weather conditions, descending and landing on a certain property 100’s of miles apart in just under 10–20 minutes from MSRC station, spreading the benefits and message across the community and creating other MSRC stations across different geographical stations and surface bases. They can control the crafts sitting miles apart from the comfort of their control station, controlling their crafts through the satellite communication systems or even the super intelligent aircrafts can fly all on its own through fly by wire technology..!

Now, The above piece explores a simple question! Do societies that were able to establish effective transportation systems enhanced their advancement? The tasks that would take eons of time could now be completed in a much shorter time compared to other periods. Indeed, advancements in science have allowed the possibility for most things to be finished in a much shorter time and with much better results, the spreading of commerce which has paralleled the advancements in transportation technology. Modern transportation has enabled every country in the world to establish close trade relations with others. If we were to move out of the traditional transportation system, and into further new generations of systems that enables people to move and cargos to be transported quickly from point A to point B, what incentives enable a rise in the quality of life for all beings?

We believe at the core, with the advent of technological developments, flying efficiently and quickly in the 21st century, using robust and efficient systems has become a reality. We might be solving problems like how do we effectively provide for faster transportation system for the population en mas. Why will people and systems change from short haul ground to air transportation? Well! Really the change is already here, it just hasn’t been fully implemented yet, but its on its way. Those who benefit from entrenched institutions, will likewise see rewards bought on by the growth of emergent and exponential technology and that is the fundamental incentive that we need to enable this new system to change. Once people who have been living in the system for years, who use and benefit from the institution that structures our modern civilization understand that they themselves can have more freedom, a better quality of life and more time to do what they love. At the end of the day, I think humanity wants that which is faster, cleaner, cheaper and we merely have to build technologies, to have the right incentives that allows us to be free, finding time to harness our creative potentials and seek freedom of time like never before..!

Therefore, To replace an old inefficient system, we must actualize the use of a new technology, whose impact will improve the quality of life at such a deep and fundamental level, that even those who benefit from outdated institutions will improve their quality of life from the optimization brought on by technology.

wassaf akhtar
wassaf akhtar

Written by wassaf akhtar

High-Tech Entrepreneur (Aviation)

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