Flying Taxi’s are here & it’s coming faster than people know!!

wassaf akhtar
5 min readMay 8, 2018


Ever Wondered seeing movies like “Back to the future where “DOC” Brown cockily puts on his Augmented Reality goggles and says to Marty “Where we are going, we don’t need roads”. Yup!! That’s right. It’s here and it’s not just the alluring and futuristic aircraft that we had long been waiting to see.

Ilya Khanykov CEO and Vladimir Salatov (Designer) of Bartini inspired by the Delorean DMC- 12 have developed an astounding and a magnificent Electric Vertical Take-off landing vehicle (From now onwards E-VTOL) similar to the DeLorean, but only this time this version of DeLorean looks way more luxurious and has a Sleeky finish to it, which would enable anyone to fly from point A to point B in a matter of seconds, if not minutes.

Ever wondered how much time would it take to fly from Changi airport to City hall downtown, in Singapore at peak time which is around 20 Km’s? Just 3 minutes, which otherwise through uberX would take around 20–25 minutes, which sounds OK but have you wondered how much would it cost and which is lesser? You guessed it right! WRONG. E-VTOLS would cost just as much as Car-Taxi’s, eventually much cheaper than Car-Taxi’s. Yes, Taxi Drivers. Time to worry! And citizens, no, you don’t have to worry about cops for their usual rhetoric “LICENSE AND REGISTRATION. please”. Cops Get a life!

There are plenty of players around E-VTOL manufacturing, Future is in skies, pushing for the development of flying machine is where the cash cow is and the companies in forefront; cities where entrepreneurial communities, availability of talent, capital, and technological competencies will drive the innovative business model along the decentralized air taxi service supply chain. One such city is Dubai where regulations are drafted to include all current and prospective airspace users including skydivers and base jumpers.

The company that has the biggest, unique and massive advantage apart from Uber is from Russia. It’s a decentralized barrier-free community-driven supply chain management technology (or I must say an interplay of 4 technologies as it includes concepts of Blockchain, Internet of Things, Artificial intelligence, and High tech futuristic aerospace companies vehicle designers) and a business incubator for the urban Air-Taxi management system, which provides expertise on services, businesses, operators, and solutions. It aims to integrate the products of its Blockchain concept into a technology stack for the urban air management system and a marketplace.

Sounds confusing? Well, it basically serves as a system wherein everyone is rewarded for their usefulness. For instance Think of it as YOU as a person who owns the Air vehicle (Cost around 30,000 USD ( YES BARTINI)) and you will use it as a part of Air Taxi system just like Uber who in some countries purchase their own cars, and you can sell this as a service to local entrepreneur or a service provider and you earn tokens and thereby use it to many different sorts of transactions. 1 token= 1 flight per minute (Advantage of eliminating a third party for validation). Another example would be real estate owners getting tons and tons of tokens per day only by allowing us to land the VTOL’s on their airstrip located on their property. One can think of infinite ways to create wealth with the concept. BRILLIANT McFly!!

McFly token incentivize people in key markets to prepare landing ports, chargers, and related services. Such activity increases the value of the vehicle for both shared and private use. It is a way to develop a “GLOBAL” market presence and set up proper distribution channels within diverse local circumstances. It also creates unique Entrepreneurship opportunities to people all over the world and to benefit from industry emergence and growth.

In conclusion, However airspace regulations have to be carried out by the FAA and EASA to certify the E-VTOL program and this looks like a barrier for the technology to be introduced into the markets as early as possible. However countries like Dubai, Dallas, Singapore etc. have more liberation certification of experimental aircraft in certain areas. This is largely for entrepreneurial communities in specific cities to understand and test the waters with their respective regulators, and to serve these talented entrepreneurs, the and consortium are the forefront leaders in this area to solve the transportation regulation bottlenecks to make flights that captivate the local regulators and at long last the FAA and EASA to speed up the certification very early and make it available sooner than later to all of us. Thank you,!

The Flying taxi is coming as Doc explains in the movie “You’ve got to come back to me to the future” to Marty in 1985 going to 2015 and that the future is finally here, but quite literally, you are 3–4 years shy Doc!

I am a Tech Entrepreneur with cross-functional and multi-disciplinary expertise. I have been lucky enough to work for Big brands in South Asia like Hindustan Aeronautics Limited where I worked on Military aircrafts involving Design, development, testing, modeling, integration, and qualification of various systems on aircraft employing standards, and procedures. I now work as a system designer for the Air taxi industry at McFly Aero infrastructure Ltd, the largest and fastest-growing advanced air mobility company focused on building the ecosystem in smart cities pan Asia-pacific region, rebuilding the World’s transportation system. Managing Governments, entrepreneurs, industry partners, private stakeholders, and top institutions across the world to potentially collaborate and provide smart solutions for creating smart cities.

I speak 3 languages (English, Arabic, Mandarin). When I am not writing or building businesses, you can catch me kicking a football, designing apparatuses, watching a Sci-fi movie or reading a book.

Originally published at on May 8, 2018.

